The Plumas County Veterans Collaboration (TPCVC) was established in September 2017. TPCVC consists of volunteers who either served in the military or are supporters of those who have. We work in various positions within Plumas County serving the public through local governments and non-profits in order to increase the outreach and connections to services available for the veterans within our community.
Scott Quade: Co-Founder/Facilitator
Richard Dolezal: Co-Facilitator: Veterans Outreach Coordinator: Plumas Crisis Intervention and Resource
Vinny DeWitt: Veterans/Elk Ambassador
Bill Cook: Plumas County Veteran Service Representative
Ryan Rogers: Founder/Co-facilitator
Jimmy LaPlante: Former Veteran Service Officer in Plumas County, California.
Shane Starr: Shane Starr serves as a District Representative for Congressman Doug
Shawn Bondon: Former Veteran Service Officer in Plumas County, California.
Kathryn Fisher:
Ray Lewis: